Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Its pathetic when parting ²

we must accept,
that indeed there is no story I can be perfect,,,
as always in impikan dream and reality is not always so.
There is no beginning and end, which may not be able to return as they are,,,
There are no tears and happiness,,
That may be are never forgotten,,
My heart said goodbye sweetheart,,!
sweet culminate acute
the story is really beautiful too, are now all ended.
farewell beloved albeit very very tender, but I certainly try to Get all of this,,
I feel that there has been merindui,,
I was not sure that I can swing '
know thy self only like bits in the heart,
Terucap every word that I am not able to reply to all I anugerahMu,
I fear your hopes will be too warm touch of my Me,
akui beautiful souls who will not And I can never forget,
However, if you always have on hand will not be given what ingi nmu ..
My answer is not on oath sucimu,, I certainly can not make you happy
You yearn for sprinkling,,

But you have a sick feeling, and a grievous wound in the yearning of men.
You certainly do not know myself to be happy ... membelaimu
Sometimes I think, can we always try to hold together,
we want to unify but always err only have a small touch,,
How fast the wind blow,
Do not hold the hand is not distracted usahlah reminded again in,,
Make this my lesson,,
It's all this trial ..
make a story where later we will sit alone,
se do not in Sali ...
only that my destiny in your ......
I really love you .......!

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