Rabu, 05 September 2007

When I Come Back

If we hold together Do not you ever say to separate again,
because I do not I can never forget,
your smile and laughter will make myself understand that real love,
soap and warm embrace thy love inspire my spirit had vanished,

I now realize how new it means your self in my life,
you all is it for me ²
I do not ever lie ku ku akan love this
He remains forever a miliku
He still loves me what it is
I still love it setulus soul
yourself because the first person in my heart
and the last at the end of my breath.

Sabtu, 01 September 2007

Time is still with you

the first time we meet, you look very mencintaiku

so I really believe in love with you,
with mu akan sayang ..
akan with all the words ² terlontar sweet from your lips ...
But now all become a bitter and pathetic ..
I stuck a thorn in the difficult to pull ..
difficult in obati ..
step qu tired to fight, just get back love you ..
I heart the words are trying reconcile this feeling of disappointment,
but it's all only a teardrop that is not when I will stop flowing.

Silence in the evening .. I sat in the place where we both had together
and where can we ever say * I want to be yours even if it was only for the night *
I believe, and I began to feel pity, even though at first I only assume it is only a virtual world ..
not by terpikirkan ku akan all be like this ...
I am sorry to have to know your self ...
I am sorry to have to do all of that ....

but what my power ...
I am only a human being ta ☻ escape from sin sin,,
prevent the sin of the soul and my sport.

Lord give you strength, give me the strength to face all this trial,
open a door and its heart to listen to the feelings of the heart bisik this ..

give it to us kuatan,,
roomy kan lah our chest,,
if he want to forget me,,

I do not get power ...
I only pasrah you.

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